Bahnson Environmental Specialties in now Environmental Specialties, LLC.

Research Triangle Park, NC

Large Influenza Vaccine Manufacturer

We built a more than 700,000-cubic-foot vaccine storage solution for a global manufacturer, during COVID-19 lockdown, on time and on budget.

Value Delivered

For this confidential vaccine manufacturer, Bahnson Environmental Specialties, LLC performed architectural, engineering, fabrication, installation, calibration, and training services required to provide the client what may be the largest vaccine cold storage facility in the world.

Our solution exceeded the client’s ±3.0 degrees Celsius performance specification with a horizontal and vertical volumetric temperature uniformity of ±1.5 degrees Celsius with uniformly regulated air distribution. It also provides 100 percent mechanical redundancy with independent control logic and sequencing, to protect their inventory in the event of power failure.

Performed during COVID-19 lockdown, we completed this project on time and on budget.

Client Objectives

This client needed a large storage facility to support a significant increase in vaccine production and to safely stockpile vaccines for global distribution.


We built a more than 12,000-square-foot (approximately 700,000-cubic-foot structure as tall as a 4-story building) warehouse with a booster dehumidification system for product drying to restrict relative humidity to 60% maximum and refrigeration system to pulldown and maintain 2 tons of product load at 5°C temperature. Our comprehensive solution included:

  • Full architectural and engineering design of the cold storage warehouse
  • Complete drawing package
  • Selection and placement of all related equipment and utility requirements
  • Sourcing of all architectural, mechanical, electrical and controls hardware
  • Fabrication and placement of four identical refrigeration skids for 100 percent mechanical redundancy
  • Suspension of eight unit coolers from the ceiling 55 feet above the chamber floor
  • Assembly and installation of three National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 4-rated control panels
  • Installation of over 4,200 feet of pipe
  • Project management and site supervision
  • Startup, testing, and calibration of all equipment to validate performance
  • Owner training on operation of all equipment and controls
  • Warranty service and supply of spare parts

Client Background   

This confidential client is a global manufacturer of flu vaccines. We have completed numerous projects for them since 2008.