Bahnson Environmental Specialties in now Environmental Specialties, LLC.

Warm Rooms

The ideal solution for applications like incubation or ramping, warm rooms offer stable, reliable performance year after year.

Varying in size from small step-in units to large stability storage areas with multiple air handlers—and with a range of temperatures from +10°C to over 70°C (with uniformity of ± 0.5°C)—BES warm rooms can meet the complex demands of anyone seeking a high-quality testing environment.

Our warm rooms can be designed with RH set point-control that allows for humidity control down to +/- 3%.

Our warm rooms can be used for:

  • Stability and shelf life studies
  • Cell and tissue culture
  • Raw material, bulk product storage, and conditioning
  • General laboratory incubation and pharmaceutical sterility studies
  • Animal holding chambers
  • Insect rearing and controlled growth
  • Thermal cycling
  • Product stress testing and burn in
  • TAPPI / ASTM product test chambers